Lucian Freud

  • Lucian Freud

    Lucian Freud

  • Biography
    Girl on the Quay,
    Oil on canvas, 40.6 x 50.2 cm, 1941 (sold)

    The grandson of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, Lucian Freud was born in Berlin in 1922, before moving to London in 1933, where he became a naturalized citizen. A student during the Second World War, he attended the Central School of Art and Design as well as Goldsmiths College in London, where he spent most of his life. His earliest works were painted with a fine, sable brush, rendering figures in muted colours with a precise, linear style. As his career developed this was replaced with the thick, impasto modelling of his later work, which usually comprised uncomfortable, psychologically penetrating portraits of fleshy figures and animals. Renowned for his tempestuous personal life as well as his art, Freud is rumoured to have fathered more than 40 children. Having been shortlisted for the Turner Prize in 1988 and 1989, and commissioned to paint the Queen in 2000, by his death in 2011 he had secured the position of the country’s foremost figurative artist, a reputation confirmed by a series of grand, posthumous retrospectives worldwide.


    For available works, please contact the gallery.